Sunday, January 30, 2011


Q. What are the components/objects in a FM project?

Ø  The components of a Framework Manager project can be listed as:

       Project à Model à Namespace à Query Subject à Query Item

Q. What are the components of Framework Manager screen?

Ø  The different components can be listed as below:
a)     Project Viewer – shows project objects in a hierarchical view. Used to view, modify and create objects.
b)    Explorer Tab – shows the contents of a project like any file system. Used to view, create and modify objects and relationships.
c)     Diagram Tab – shows the relationships between objects in a project. Used to view, create and modify objects and relationships. Also used to change diagram settings, “Capture Screen” and “Set Focal Point”.
d)    Dimension Map – Used to view, create and modify hierarchies and levels for the dimension selected in Project viewer.
e)     Properties Pane – shows the properties of the object that is selected in the project viewer.
f)     Tools Pane – The different tabs in tools pane are listed below:
                                                     a)        Summary Tab
                                                    b)        Search Tab
                                                     c)        Dependencies Tab

Q. What is the extension of FM project file? What all files constitute a FM project?

Ø  The extension of a FM project file is .cpf.
Below is a list of all files that constitute a project:
a)     ProjectName.cpf – Project File (references the .xml files)
b)    IDLog.xml – used to track objects for models
c)     Log.xml – list of all modifications made to the model
d)    Model.xml – actual model data
e)     Preferences.xml –
f)     Persistent.txt – Diagram information

Q. What are the different types of Query Subjects?

Ø  The different types of query subjects can be listed as below:
a)     Data Source Query Subject.
b)    Model Query Subject.
c)     Stored Procedure Query Subject.

Q. What are the different types of Stored Procedures in Framework Manager?

Ø  Framework Manager supports only user-defined stored procedures. System stored procedures are not supported.
The different types of Stored Procedures in Framework Manager are:
1.       Data Query Stored Procedure – Issues a read-only transaction.
2.       Data Modification Stored Procedure – Writes a record to the data source.

Q. How to build a model and publish a package?

Ø  Steps to build a model and package:
1.     Open Framework Manager and click on “Create a new Project”.
2.     Select language and select data source.
3.     Select the tables, views, procedures etc. to import.
4.     Create relationship and click on import.
5.     Right click on the package and select to create a package option.
6.     Choose objects and select function sets.
7.     Select location and click on publish.

Q. How do you create IQD in Framework Manager?

Ø  We can create IQD by setting the externalize property and select property to IQD.
         Steps to follow:
          1. Select the Query subjects and go to Properties.
          2. Select externalize method option.
          3. Select property to IQD.
          4. Save the model.
          5. While publishing, specify the location for IQD files.
          6. You can find your IQD’s in the specified location after publishing the package.

Q. What is loop in Framework Manager?

Ø  Loop is a closed path (relation) that exists among 3 (or) more tables.
   For example, if we have '3' tables T1, T2, T3 then, a loop exists among these tables only when we create joins in the following fashion:

Loop:          T1 ---> T2 ---> T3 ---> T1

To resolve the above problem, we have to create a shortcut (or) Alias to the Table T1.

No Loop:      T1 ---> T2 ---> T3 ---> Alias (or) Shortcut of T1

Q. What is difference between Shortcut and Alias Shortcut?

Ø  Shortcut is a pointer to an object.
   While a regular shortcut is a simple reference to the target object; Alias shortcut behaves as a copy of the original object with completely independent behavior.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cognos Report Studio

Q. What are the different types of reports in report Studio?

Ø  The different types of reports available in Report Studio are listed as:

            1. List
            2. Crosstab
            3. Chart
            4. Map
            5. Repeater

Q. What are Prompts in Cognos Report Studio? List the different type of prompts?

Ø  Prompts act as questions that help users to customize the information in a report.
Different type of prompts can be listed as:
a)    Text Box Prompt – Retrieves data based on a value that user’s type.
b)    Value Prompt – Retrieves data based on values that user’s select from a list.
c)    Search & Select Prompt – Retrieves values based on search criteria that users specify.
d)    Date Prompt – Retrieves data based on a date that users select.
e)    Time Prompt – Retrieves data based on a time that users select.
f)     Date & Time Prompt – Retrieves data based on a date & time that users select.
g)    Interval Prompt – Retrieves data based on a time interval that users specify.
h)    Tree Prompt – Retrieves data based on values that users select from a list (Returns a set of members from hierarchy). It is used when working with dimensional data.
i)      Generated Prompt – Selects a prompt control based on the data type of the data item.
Q. What are Cascading prompts?

Ø  Using cascading prompts, the values in one prompt are driven by what is selected in another prompt.

Q. What are the different types of filters available in Report Studio?

Ø  Report Studio – Report studio provides three types of filtering:

a)     Detail filter – Detail filters are used to filter detail level values within a report. They work at the lowest level of granularity in the selected objects.
Example: We can apply a detail filter on “Sales Month” to extract all transactions which occurred within the specified month.

b)    Summary filter – Summary filters are used to filter summary level values within a report.
Example: We can apply a summary filter to get the highest sold product in a sales region.
We would need to group the “Region” and “Product” fields beforehand.

c)     Slicers – Slicers are used with dimensional models. A slicer filter affects the cell value, not the row or column edges. Slicers are useful if you want some data in a report to be hidden and other data to be visible.
            Example: We can apply a slicer if we want a report displaying all “Product” names but sales data only                    for a few and not all products.  

Q. What are the different types of variables in Report Studio?

Ø  The different variables are :
a)     Boolean Variable
b)    String Variable
c)     Report Language Variable

Q. What are classes in Report Studio?

Ø  Classes in Report Studio provide a default style to be applied to the objects.

Q. What is Condition Explorer in Report Studio?

Ø  Condition Explorer allows you to manage the variables that are being used in the report.

Q. What’s the difference between Drill-through report & Master-detail report?

Ø  Drill-through Report – Links 2 separate reports containing related information. (Target & Source report). Steps to create are listed below:
a)     Create a target report with detail filter that uses the parameter on which you want to filter when drilling through from the source report. Save the report.
b)    Create a source report that contains the item you want to use for drill-through.
c)     Select the item to be used as the drill-through and click on Drill-Through definitions button on the standard toolbar.
d)    Click new drill through definition button. Select the target report and fill the required options.
e)     Click Edit to display the parameters. Select method as “Pass Data item value”. Select value from the source report.
f)     Click Ok and then run the report.

Ø  Master Detail Report – Links information between two data containers (eg. List, crosstab, chart) within a report. Using master-detail, you can use a single report to display information from two reports. Steps to create are listed below:
a)     Create a new report having two data containers E.g. Crosstab and Chart. Insert data items into both containers so that 2 queries are created E.g. Query1 and Query2.
b)    The 2 queries should have at-least 1 Common data-item.
c)     Click “Unlock” icon from Toolbar to unlock page objects. Select 2nd container object, and drag it into the 1st container where you want to place it.
d)    Click embedded container object. Click Master Detail Relationships from Data menu. Create “New Link” between the common data-item.
e)     Click Ok and run the report.

Q. How do you set security for reports?

Ø  You can set security from the report properties in Cognos Connection. You can add users / user classes with read/write/execute/traverse/set policy level access.
   Cognos Connection à Report Properties à Permissions

Q. What is a “Layout Component Reference” in Report Studio?

Ø  “Layout Component Reference” is an object in Report Studio which is used to give a reference to another object in the report. It helps to reuse an object instead of creating it again.
Example – It can be used to include a Company Logo on all pages of a report.
a)     Create 2 page report; List on first page and Crosstab on second.
b)    Add Company logo on first page and give it a unique name.
c)     On second page, add “Layout Component Reference” object where you want the same logo to be displayed.
d)    Check on “This Report” option and select the “Company Logo” object.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Introduction to Cognos 8 BI

Ø  Cognos 8 Business Intelligence is an integrated enterprise solution. It is Enterprise business intelligence software with integrated reporting, score-carding, analysis and event management capabilities. Cognos8 can perform Business Intelligence across multiple data sources and Applications.

Q. What are the new features of Cognos 8 BI?
Ø  The new features of Cognos 8 BI can be listed as below:
            1. Power-Play Web is replaced by Analysis Studio.
            2. Metrics Manager is replaced by Metric Studio.
            3. Decision-Stream is replaced by Data Manager.
            4. Event Studio is added to provide event lifecycle management.
            5. Open data access.
            6. Dimensional Modeling of Relational Data Sources in Framework Manager.

Q. What are the different Cognos products?

Ø  Some Cognos products can be listed as below:
            1. Cognos Impromptu
            2. Cognos Powerplay
            3. Cognos Decision Stream
            4. Cognos Data Manager
            5. Cognos Reportnet 1.1
            6. Cognos 8BI
            7. Cognos Enterprise Planning

Q. Give overview of Cognos 8BI architecture?
Ø  Cognos 8BI architecture can be separated into three tiers:

           1. Web Server
           2. Applications
           3. Data
These tiers are based on business function, and are typically separated by firewalls. User interfaces sit above the tiers.

Q. What are the different interfaces and components available in Cognos 8BI?

Ø  The user interfaces available in Cognos 8BI can be divided into:

            1. Web based (accessed through internet explorer)
            2. Windows based

Ø  The components in Cognos 8BI are:
1. Web based – Query Studio; Report Studio; Event Studio; Metric Studio; Analysis Studio; Cognos      Connection
2. Windows based – Framework Manager; Cognos Powerplay; Map Manager; Metric Designer

Q. Describe the different components available in Cognos 8BI?

Ø  The components of Cognos 8BI are listed below:

1. Query Studio - used to create simple queries and reports. Basic templates and formatting can be applied.
2. Analysis Studio - used for data analysis through ranking, complex filters for large volumes of data.
3. Metric Studio - used to create score carding and dash board reports, assign tasks for poorly performing metrics and linking to reports containing related information.
4. Report Studio - used to create professional standard reports including dashboards, maps, charts etc., fully automated drill through is available.
5. Event Studio - has agents that check the data. When an agent detects a particular condition, Event studio takes action by generating emails, running reports etc.
6. Cognos Connection - used for managing content and administration of Cognos server.
7. Framework Manager - used to create packages based on relational, dimensional cubes. Packages are published to Cognos connection which will be used to create reports in various studios.
8. Powerplay transformer - Used to create powerplay cubes.
9. Map Manager - Used to create user defined maps.
10. Metric Designer - Used to create metrics which are used to create scorecards in metric studio.

Q. What are the different models used for report development in Cognos 8BI?

Ø  The different models used for development in Cognos 8BI can be as listed:

1. Relations Models – based on relational databases like Oracle, db2.
2. Dimensionally Modelled Relational database (DMR) – used to provide dimensional approach to a relational database.
3. OLAP Sources – publishing packages based on cubes.